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Showing posts with label Image. Show all posts


Kaleb is 10 months old!

Can it be? Really?
A whole ten months old?

Heres what hes up to lately

  • His two teeth are as sharp as ever
  • His crawling skills have reached lightning speeds
  • He love eating crunchies and puffs, but his favorite is yogurt
  • He can give very sweet very drooly kisses
  • Hes a complete water baby thanks to swimming lessons
  • He still isn't a fan of the bottle, but Aunty Jillian helped him to drink one and now he'll take a swig every now and then from mommy
  • Hes pulling himself up and holding on with one hand
  • He can walk wile holding mommy or daddy's hands
  • Hes very attached to mommy, but after some time he might give you a hug
  • His high fives are the best (Blake is still working on Knucks, we're not quite there yet)
  • I think he knows how to say "no" but I dont think he knows what it means.
  • He is REALLY into cars and blocks. 
  • The only T.V. he'll watch is still Baby Einstein
  • He loves cuddling and mommy and daddy love cuddling too.
My sleeper 10 month old guy


Kaleb is 8 months old

He is growing faster than I can track it!

He is super busy too...
  • In one month he went from rolling around, to army crawl to full on baby crawl.
  • He calls for me (nanannana)... that may also mean "feed me"
  • He call for Blake (dadadada)... that may also mean "play!"
  • He can clap his hands, but only when he decides. You can't really make him start.
  • He pulling himself up. We even had to lower the crib because I was afraid he was going to topple out!
  • Hes trying bits of food from Mommy and Daddy's plates. Its a hit or miss.
  • At Grandma and Grandpa Green's house, we learned that he loves to gnaw on chicken bones (striped clean first, of course)
  • He learned the baby sign for Milk, but he only does it while hes eating and wont do it to ask for milk.
  • He has NO teeth. Zero. But I can totally see the bottom two just below the surface of his gums. They're ready.
  • We're still facinated by him. Many nights, when Blake comes home from work, we'll all pile on the bed and watch him climb, clap and yell 
Though I sometimes miss my little ball of squishy, and sometimes look forward to having conversations with my son, I am COMPLETELY enjoying the stage we're in now. My little crawler, yeller, cuddly big baby boy. 


Battleships and Battalions: Our Day in San Diego

This past weekend Jillian, Kyle and the kidlets came down for some family time.
We were able to drive down to San Diego with them (and Becky&Quinn and Mom&Dad) too meet up with Jordan and Freesia and head over to the USS Midway Museum.

It was Kaleb's first big outing and I'm sure he appreciated having some company (aka uncle Quinn and aunty Becky) in the back seat with him for that long drive.

The USS Midway!

There were very cool jets like this all over the ship. Inside and out.

Kaleb and Mommy! (Mommy is listening to the Audio tour and Kaleb is rocking an awesome hat.)
This was one of the prepping rooms for the pilots. 
Kaleb was getting a little fussy (no strollers allowed in most of the ship) so Daddy made him a little cocoon.
Don't you love their matching hats?

This is the officer's living area. It may look cramped, but it is luxurious compared to the enlisted men's living area.

Kaleb and Grandpa Green! It was getting windy outside so we put Kaleb's sweater on him. I love it! It used to be Blake's when he was a baby. :D

 After that we made our way to Old Town San Diego...

Then we had dinner at this cool little place called "The Livingroom". Tasty food and calming ambiance.
After dinner we decided to check out the Mormon Battalion Historic Site. 

It was a lot more enjoyable then I expected. Not that I was expecting it to be boring, but I thought it was just a walk around kind of thing, but they had a cool little show and lots of "hands on" stuff.

*Stolen from Quinn and Becky's blog*
 This is Quinn in full Mormon Battalion gear. 

*Stolen from Quinn and Becky's blog*
We all got to pan for "gold" at the end of the night. 

I am so happy we were able to spend this time with family! We had lots of fun.
I guess the only thing missing was Vance and Melissa!


Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 was spent with the Green family.
It really was something special, because the ENTIRE family was able to be there together.
Jordan and Freesia came up from San Diego.
Blake and I were, of course there from down the street.
Jillian and Kyle came down from Utah with their girl Becca and baby boy, Paul.
Vance and Melissa were able to come down from Idaho at the very last minute.
and Quinn and Becky came down from Utah with some Big news!

Yeah. It was a pretty awesome Thanksgiving.

Becca helping with the rolls

Kaleb… looking awesome.

Jillian's second attempt at pie crust. Bad shortening made for a crumbly first try. (her second try was delicious.) 

Jordan and Dad doing their part. 

Baby Paul being super cute.

Blake took this one… I don't think I could get that close to sleeping dad.

Its me and my boy! (who seriously looks like my dad in this picture.)

Auntie Becky soothing Kaleb

Jill and her pie.

Jordan… being… um, Jordan. :D

My Green bean Casserole. So so good, I'm telling you. 
Freesia's salad. Fruity and Delicious.

The Green Family Turkey. (and baby Paul for size comparison) 

Ok, holy molie. Freesia made this pumpkin cheesecake that was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted. It was beautiful and delicious and just so rich. 

Pudding pie! (with home made whipped cream)

Betsy even came by to visit Kaleb (oh, and probably the rest of the family too.)

Later, after dinner, we decided it was time for a "grandchild photo shoot". Becca, Paul and Kaleb were gonna be the stars, and Blake's product photography soft box was the tool.

Kaleb was sleeping at first...

But he eventually woke up. He still couldn't sit up like Paul, so he looks a bit slouchy.
Oh and look how Mexican my son looks sitting next to his white cousins! I was so happy and proud of my brown baby

A little brother and sister shot. So sweet.

We then tried to take some pictures of Kaleb by himself. . .

For this one we propped him up on the boppy… I kinda think he looks like Mr. Burnes. "Excellent." 

Then we flipped him over, so he was on his tummy on the Boppy. He seemed to like that more...

until he started to fall over. 

Then he started falling asleep, singing and smirking.
"Hey Mooooooooooom!"

I tried to sit him up to wake him up and that was the end of that.

After a quick nap, we tried a different tecnique… Laying the babies on their back and shooting down at them.
This was met with shouts of joy.

Kaleb was happy and we got our smiley picture.
The next day we decided to do a huge family portrait. We enlisted the help of a tripod and timer, and we were good to go.

Good lookin' family right?
Below are some of my favorites from the day…

Dad, Mom and the Grandkids.

Jillian, Kyle and the little ones

Blake, Me and our fussy one.

Vance and Melissa… Battle style

Jordan and Freesia… showing their best sides…?

Quinn and Becky. She forgot to make the Jell-o

Our Family.
We rock.

That was our Thanksgiving. It was awesome.


Halloween 2011

For Halloween 2011 (Kaleb's very first Halloween) We decided to be Bakers and Kaleb was our "stud muffin".

Oh I thought I was so clever!

We had tons of fun at the Ward Halloween Party. They were taking photos there and we tried to get a good one, but Kaleb's not quite holding his head up completely yet so….

First try: Mom's fixing her hair and Kaleb is singing, Dad looks great.

Second try: Kaleb is yelling, Mom looks ok, Dad looks great.

Third try: Kaleb is done, Mom looks ok, Dad looks kinda crazy.
And now a couple more...

Well, we had fun anyway! Passing out candy from a giant soup pot with a ladle (again… I thought I was just so clever!)

Kaleb did as well as can be expected. It will be so much fun when he knows whats going on.