Showing posts with label Family Date. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Date. Show all posts


FroYo 5k with the Family : 5k #9

The FroYo 5K has been 100% my favorite so far!

Preview Photo

I was expecting a huge crowd like the bubble race, but since this was the FroYo's first year, it was a modest size and I hope it doesn't get too big. 
The tattoos weren't in the swag bag, they were just kind of laying around on some of the tables, so we grabbed them.

They had some fun Pre Race group warm ups, but it was Zumba and I stood there for about 30 seconds before I accepted I was no where coordinated or quick enough to follow so I bowed out. Blake rocked it though. 

We then kind of hung out in our "wave" corral for about 20 minutes. 

 ... But there was a photographer roaming, so it was cool.

When we took off, I told Blake to just go b/c I wanted to concentrate and run and not really socialize. Plus I knew he would try to push me harder and I would just poop out sooner.

I didn't get any race picture because I don't know how to be that coordinated yet. It takes all my efforts just to tell myself to keep running. But they got a GREAT finishing picture of Blake and the Kids (that water bottle is about to hit Kaleb in the head)

With me however...

I'm the blurry background of this guy's awesome picture... wa wa.

But that doesn't matter, because check my time peeps! 
Best eva!

I've been talking to my friend Emily a lot about not straining yourself and running correctly, so I knew I wasn't going to push harder than I felt comfortable this race, but I kept my pace steady and I found that hills don't slow me down as much as others. I'm not super fast, but my legs can push me up and carry me up the hills without slowing down much (if i'm not pushing the stroller)

Blake met me when I was at the end (he finished before me, of course) and cheered which helped me sprint to finish line. 

I'm just a little proud of myself. (yup, thats froyo on my face)

Blake was pretty proud of himself too. He finished at 30.39 min. And that with a stroller and taking walking breaks. 

Kaleb was bribed with FroYo to stay in the stroller. 
He complied and was rewarded. 

 I tried to share mine with Rachel, but she was alseep... oh well. :D

 This was Rachel's face when she woke up and realised I had eaten all the FroYo.

 But I shared kisses with her ...

 So did Blake.

These are our slap bracelets. They are awesome and Kaleb loved them. Long live the slap bracelets!

 I told Kaleb to say "we're #1" but he said "No mommy, I'm 3!"

Seriously good SWAG. Especially that hat! built in sweat band. *fancy*

Honestly, I LOVED this run. It was awesome and well organized. It had all the perks of a fun run, but I was still able to run a good pace with no weird obstacles in my way.

It was awesome. Just can't wait for next year!


Valentines Day 2013

Valentines Day morning I went in to "work" in the morning, filming for a SUPER fun project I can't wait to share, but I had to wake up at 4:30am, which was no fun.

But I was able to leave Blake his presents so he could find them when he woke up.

A finger painting from Kaleb (with strategically placed tape by Mommy)

And a simple little painting from me. 

When I came home Blake had Kaleb fed and happy.
He also had a this beautiful bouquet, adorable teddy and lovely card all ready for my swooning.

He said the flowers were for me and the bear was for Kaleb.
All of our gifts on the piano under our family "gallery"

Blake's second present to me was big long nap! It was glorious.

We then took a trip to cold stone and let our little boy indulge in some sweet stuff he is usually NEVER allowed to eat.

I had me favorite 1/2 cheese cake and 1/2 chocolate with gram cracker pie crust and brownie mix in
Blake had chocolate malt with white chocolate chips.

It was do deliciously bad.

Then we took a trip to the "econo-movies" for a family viewing of Wreck-it-Ralph at the Brea Plaza 5

Kaleb enjoyed the popped corn.

And thats when things got painful and AWFUL... but thats another post.

A long post.