Showing posts with label Yo Gabba Gabba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yo Gabba Gabba. Show all posts


The Yo Gabba Gabba! Inflitration

Yo Gabba Gabba! (<-- the exclamation point is in the title. I'm not yelling at you.)
It kinda snuck up on us.

Like a sneaky cat that looks all friendly and you think "oh, I'll just toss him a scrap of bread". But then he comes back and he won't stop mewing, so before you know it you've got a 5lb bag of meow mix, a litter box in your bathroom and you're going collar shopping.

It all started at the beginning of this week. We're having some down time, flipping through Netflix. I've been trying to get Kaleb into Sesame Street. My MIL sings its praises and I figured it would be a nice educational show.

Well right next to the Sesame Street picture is the more brightly colored Yo Gabba Gabba! picture. Kaleb kept pointing to it and asking (I'm assuming) in his baby garble to see that one.
So, I've heard good things about it. Two guys from our ward stared and our wedding photographer is something like the producer (don't quote me, I'm not sure.) so I thought "What the hey. lets give it a shot."

5 episodes later Kaleb had dug up some Brobee doll (the little green one) that my cousin gave us in a box of other toys and books (I don't even know how he remembered it was in his toy box)
And my child is jumping up and down yelling "Gabba! Gabba! Gabba!" and signing "More" Whenever DJ Lance Rock says its time to go.

Now, although this childhood "obsession" (its only been a week, but I think this one is sticking) came on us quickly, its not necessarily bad at all.

The music is fun and there are tons of cool guests.
Its just awesome. I mean, come on... they have a 'BEAT OF THE DAY'

It may not teach reading or writing like Sesame Street, but I love the social skills they promote. Some of my favorites are; Don't bite your friends, Clean up your trash, Its ok to be afraid sometimes, Try it you'll like it and Different isn't scary.

Plus I find fun little hints at the creators beliefs in there every once and a while.
Los Angeles LDS Temple in a Yo Gabba Gabba cartoon
See anything interesting in this still from the Yo Gabba Gabba! short?
Its a fun show, and I'd rather have Kaleb watch this than any cartoon on TV.

So yeah. Not a lot happened this week, so this is has been a pretty dominant theme.