Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts


Family Home Evening with our 18 month old - Wonder Color and Clay

Tonight we finally ACTUALLY had family home evening.
Its been difficult to find things to do with Kaleb, but now that hes a bit older I've been able to expand our activities.

We started by praying. Kaleb has been folding his arms for prayer for about a month now, but hes just starting to kneel with us. I dont even know how to express my feelings the first time he did it. I was proud of my son, I was thankful that my husband joined me in teaching him these good things and I was grateful that I, myself had been taught these things. 

We went into a lesson about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ cerated our home (world) and how they put love into it because they wanted it to be beautiful for us. (I'm unsure Kaleb was listening, but I said it anyway) then we started creating our own "beautiful things" with clay and color wonder markers and paper (my new favorite) 

Blake made a blue cat / dog / horse thing that Kaleb loved and gave it a kiss. 

This is my attempt to take a family picture while coloring. . . Blake suggested another angle

There we go!
(iPhone front camera has crappy low light)