Showing posts with label Playing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Playing. Show all posts


Yogurt, Rocks and Dad's last Basketball game

We went outside and threw some rock today. I think we dont get enough sun. I can't wait to live closer to a park.

This is supposed to be Kaleb's rude face, but now he does it when I tell him to smile too. 

All Kaleb wanted to eat today was yogurt. Thats it.
 I mean he could have chosen a worse food, but come on! Eat something you have to chew. 

Kaleb also found his nipples. We call all that area his chest. He was entertained for quite some time. 

It was Daddy's last (church) basketball game tonight, so we went and supported our superstar.

It was all good until Blake had to actually play, then Kaleb started freaking out so we took a stroll around the church building.
We ended up climbing up and down stairs until the last three minutes or so of the game. 


Kaleb's Knock Um Down Game

seriously, my son is a genius.


Sleepy Bouncer

This is what happens when you party too hardy

So sweet and sleepy.