
Kaleb's Fiesta Themed Birthday Party - The Kid Party

Well, we (read I) decided to have two parties for Kaleb's first birthday.
The first one (this one) was with my mommy group and a few other friends. Its his "Kid" party.
The next party will be just for family and will have the same details since I'm far to lazy to plan multiple themes. 

So I'm not gonna show close up of details here, because this really was a last minute party and not the "real" one. (but less stressful because of that, and lots of fun.)

Treat Table

Food Table.
We had salad, Taco Bell Burrito or Cheesy Roll up and Grapes.

I made the cake and cup cakes (they're fun fettie) and will be making the SAME EXACT thing for the family party.

My amazingly prepared cousin brought a bubble maker and I brought a blanket and some toys
for the kids who were too small for the park.

All the kids love it.

Even my "I'm-gonna-crawl-in-the-dirt-because-its-my-party" boy

Oh my goodness, he melts my heart.

This handsome fellow kept Kaleb company on the baby blanket

the cuz

and this dude was so relaxed, he didn't even sit up.

Kaleb thought that was pretty nifty

He was NOT so sure about the pinata.

Some of the older kids did well, though

The nef. His eyebrows are cooler than yours.

So it was a lot of fun and Blake even came over at lunch to help me clean everything up (after Erica picked him up because I had the Car. Erica also watched Kaleb for me while I set up) where he was then promptly stung by a bee for his efforts. 

Good day.

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