
Barrera Family Showers our Baby Kaleb

Last Saturday my fabulous aunts threw me a wonderful baby shower!

Look at this little clothes pin display of the fabulous gifts!

Athena got a canvas, drew a tree and all of our family placed thumb prints on it for Kaleb.

Our hostess

little brother!


Grandma made a diaper and wipe holder/envelope. 

Kaleb will look just like Daddy!

Socks that look like shoes!!! Love it.

Jillian and I

Tickling Jayden

We're the youngest grand daughters. And we're awesome.

Thank you again to my fabulous aunts!

1 comment

  1. Your aunts are super pretty!

    I remember that dress and those shoes! You took your maternity pictures with Blakey Pooh this day! :)

    (Or you wore the same clothes? lol)

    How did it feel having people molest your belly? Were you okay with that or did it freak you out? My sister talked on and on about some woman who came up to her in the grocery store and touched her belly when she was pregnant. She actually still talks about it. The "baby" is 15 now.

    I'm totally moving to Utah. Did I tell you that? I know I told you I blogged about you. :)
